
Showing posts from August, 2020

CDC Media Telebriefing: Update on COVID-19

CDC Media Telebriefing: Update on COVID-19

‘Earth Overshoot Day’ Is This Week

Trump Eliminates Major Methane Rule, Even as Leaks Are Worsening

Poor Planning Left California Short of Electricity in a Heat Wave

Earth911 Inspiration: The Generation That Pays the Price

Bad, Better, Best: The Climate Impact of Meat

Climate change and global hunger

Environment targets to be set by government

CDC data show disproportionate COVID-19 impact in American Indian/Alaska Native populations

Local food and global food security

Plastics toxic for seabirds

Plastics toxic for seabirds

Golden Rice is 'trojan horse'

The end of coal in County Durham

Oceans plastics underestimated

QuickTakes 08/17/2020

'We can choose how we live'

UK deal threatens 'vaccine nationalism'

The end of coal

ECOBOND® LeadDefender® Announces New & Improved Formula for Lead Paint Treatment Focused on Contact Coverage & Hide-Ability.

Beyond the Timber Takeover

Deforestation in Colombia

South Africa must learn from Mauritius oil spill

Voices on the road

Fracking in India

Gates 'failing green revolution in Africa'

Climate 'cause of woolly rhinoceros extinction'

Video: the invisible ideology trashing our planet

Supertrawlers stalk marine protected areas

Endangered large blue butterfly reintroduced

Scientists raise the alarm on Amazon fires

Indigenous knowledge and global food systems

Revolving door between Barclays and BP

Hogwood wins at British Documentary Film Festival

FY 2019 Small Business Goaling Report

Planning reforms bad news for environment

Living cultures: decolonising cultural spaces

Air pollution making honey bees sick

Composting Has Been Scrapped. These New Yorkers Picked Up the Slack.

E.P.A. to Lift Obama-Era Controls on Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas

Shine On: 5 Green Lighting Tips

We Earthlings: Upgrade Your Toilet

17 Learning Tools For Your Next Outdoor Excursion

Home “Eco”nomics – Vegetable Gardens

Concrete, a Centuries-Old Material, Gets a New Recipe

Joint Statement from the Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control on Conducting 2020 Census Non-Response Follow-Up Interviews

Criminalising ecological dissent in India

Challenging climate colonialism

Climate could take cod off the menu

Nootkatone Now Registered by EPA

Nootkatone Now Registered by EPA

Hear Her: CDC Campaign Highlights Warning Signs of Pregnancy-Related Deaths

New law for Africa's biggest tropical rainforest

Trophy hunters threaten endangered animals

Boris Johnson must embrace new research deal

CDC Presents Inaugural Award for Advancements in Health Equity to Oregon's Lessie Williams

Historic win for Climate Case Ireland

Protecting migratory birds

BP to slash oil and gas production

Tesco 'failing to protect Amazon'

Land use linked to disease outbreaks

QuickTakes 07/31/2020

CDC Expects 2020 Outbreak of Life-Threatening Acute Flaccid Myelitis

US Paris Agreement withdrawal is racist

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Coal and nuclear in Cumbria

Austerity as vector for coronavirus

CDC Telebriefing: New Vital Signs Report

CDC Expects 2020 Outbreak of Life-Threatening Acute Flaccid Myelitis Transcript

Home is where the art is

Against pigeon racing

Gene editing and sustainable farming

Impacts of climate breakdown

On the Lookout for Moose on Michigan’s Isle Royale

Scorching Temperatures Bake Middle East Amid Eid al-Adha Celebrations

Have we reached 'peak meat'?

Coastal flooding will endanger millions

Coastal flooding will endanger millions

Study highlights importance of CDC mitigation strategies

Native UK mammals face extinction

Reparations and the fight for life

Celebration of UK's hen harriers